Our Services

  • Preventative

    Prevention is better than cure; the mouth is a multitasking part of our body. It is part of our digestive system, we use it to communicate, socialise and express ourselves. The mouth can be simple to maintain with a good knowledge of how it works. Our practice places an emphasis on prevention. A 6 monthly scale and clean is recommended and additional fluoride or remineralisation agent can be applied if necessary. This includes oral hygiene instructions (flossing is not optional) and demonstrations on how to maintain optimal oral hygiene using an array of oral hygiene products readily available at the practice, a local pharmacy or supermarket.

    Diet also plays a contributing factor to maintaining good oral health and a dietary investigation and modification can be provided. Our philosophy is that life is meant to be enjoyed; by educating our patients, a balance between enjoyment and preventing decay is better understood. It is about identifying food types and making better dietary choices.

    Fissure sealants are routinely placed on teeth that are more vulnerable to plaque accumulation. A resin composite material is passively placed (no drilling) into pits and grooves to prevent plaque accumulating in them.

    Bruxism (clenching and grinding of teeth) is also a common dental issue we routinely managing. This includes the fabrication of bruxism appliances (occlusal splint), sleep hygiene and physiotherapy.

    Sports mouthguards are also recommended and custom made for our patients who play contact sport.

  • Examinations & Radiographs

    Dental examinations every 6 months is part of a normal routine to maintain a healthy mouth. During the examination, the teeth, gums, tongue and surrounding tissue is examined. Intra oral photos are often taken to establish a baseline so that it may be used to compare in retrospect. Bite assessment (occlusion) is also taken into account during the exam and can be addressed orthodontically if required.

    Every 2 years, a pair of radiographs (digital facilities are used at our practice) are recommended to be taken to check the bone levels surrounding teeth, tooth structure and the integrity of any restorative treatment that has been performed on the teeth.

    All radiographs taken at the clinic are digital and our patients are protected with a lead apron during each exposure. Orthopantomograms (OPG) most commonly taken for wisdom teeth and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) interpretations are referred to a local imaging department and is bulk billed by Medicare. Once taken, our dentist can help you interpret the images and explain it to you. 

  • Scale & Clean

    It all begins with a thorough clean. A professional scale and clean is often followed by oral hygiene instructions to provide our patients with a guideline as to how to improve and maintain their oral health.

  • Restorative treatments

    Restorations (fillings) are placed on teeth that have lost some of its structure and integrity due to decay, chips/fractures or replacement of leaking restorations. We most commonly use resin composite/glass iononer (“white fillings”), porcelain and metal inlays or onlays. While we do not routinely use amalgam (metal) fillings, it is an option that is provided at the practice for patient who prefer it. We also can replace existing amalgam restorations with composite restorations at our patients request, it is best to discuss this with our dentists.

  • Root canal therapy

    Root canal therapy (endodontics) is the removal of an inflamed pulp of a tooth. This is performed over a series of appointments. A pulp may become inflamed from a variety of reasons including a history of trauma, deep decay or restorations, cracks (from trauma or bruxism) or periodontal (gum) disease.

    Diagnosis through a series of tests and radiographs are used to help indicate if root canal is necessary. Once a thorough assessment has been performed, an indication of successful root canal therapy will be explained to you.

    An inflamed pulp of a tooth can cause pain and discomfort; this can include a range of symptoms such as hypersensitivity to temperate (hot and cold), pain on pressure from biting or chewing, movement/mobility of the tooth, localised swelling and spontaneous pain.

    Our practice uses the latest technology including rotary instruments, apex locators and thermal obturation to achieve the best possible results.

  • Dental Crown & bridges

    A range of dental prosthetics is provided at the clinic. Removable prosthetics includes full, partial and immediate dentures can be made to suit each patient for their individual circumstance.

    Existing, comfortable dentures that need a repair (a missing clasp or tooth), a reline of the fitting surface or a minor modification can be made. Existing dentures that are not quite right (wrong teeth colour and shape) or not as comfortable may be adjusted as well.

    Fixed prosthetics include crowns, bridges and veneers.

    Veneers are aesthetic in purpose and can provide a positive change to someone’s smile. A full assessment including photographs, impressions, mock up’s (trail veneers), shade and contour consultation with the ceramist and review appointments are made for the patient before any drilling is started. Veneers are not simple but do not have to be complicated. They are a work of art and every step it taken to make sure they are done well by working together as a group. These precautions and steps are done for 1 veneer or a set of veneers.

    Dental crowns are to protect existing tooth structure and be functional to use in the mouth. Crowns are commonly placed on teeth that have cracks, large restorations or have had root canal treatment. A variety of materials are available and the most commonly used material at our practice is zirconia and porcelain. Gold crowns are also indicated for certain circumstances.

  • Cosmetic Dentistry

    Whether it is for a special occasion or for our patient’s self-confidence, our dentists will be able to provide advice on cosmetic (veneers) and whitening products to enhance a healthy mouth and smile. It is important for our patients to understand what is available to them and what can realistically be achieved.

  • Whitening

    We offer both in-office whitening, take home whitening and internal bleaching (for endodontically treated teeth) options for our patients. Whether it be for a special occasion or a confidence boost, whitening can be use to enhance your natural tooth structure.

  • Implant planning, placement and restoration

    A dental implant is part of a range of treatment options to replace a lost tooth or gap in the mouth. Careful treatment planning is part of the success rate of implants from placement to restoration. In conjunction with cone beam computed tomography (CT) scans, impressions and photographs, the right length, diameter and type of implant will be chosen for each individual space. Our practice uses a few different implant systems including MIS and Osstem implants.

    The placement of the implant is performed under a surgical setup at the practice. The implant is allowed to integrate with the surrounding bone before a crown is placed on the integrated, stable implant.

    Our practice is able to restore most implant systems that are available in Australia including Straumann and Astra. The laboratory we use is one of the industry leading laboratories using innovative, modern technology.

    We understand implants can seem complicated, so our dentists are available for a consultation and will be able to guide you through the entire process.

  • Full mouth rehabilitation / Smile Design

    A full mouth dental rehabilitation requires thorough treatment planning. A full mouth rehabilitation is often indicated with severely worn teeth and/or missing teeth. A full mouth rehabilitation can be achieved using both fixed and removable prosthodontics, restorations and preventative treatment.

    Using measurements, photographs, impressions, a smile design and consultation with a laboratory technician, a mock up/trial is provided for our patients before any work commences.

    Once work has been completed, a good oral hygiene routine and preventative measures must be established to maintain the work that has been completed.

  • Extractions

    In modern age dentisty, wisdom teeth are becoming less advantageous to keep in the mouth. Our dentists will be able to advise you in conjunction with an OPG to keep or remove them.

    Simple extractions, surgical extractions and pain management is provided at our practice. Emergency appointments are welcome. If you have a relevant OPG (within the last 24 months), please do not hesitate to bring it along to your appointment. We recommend a consultation with an OPG prior to any surgical extraction of wisdom teeth.