Post operative care instructions

Please remember, you have just had a minor surgical procedure. Here is some information you need to be aware of and instructions on how to look after yourself. Take the time to read the instructions carefully.

The post operative discomfort will be worst from the day of the procedure up to 5 days after; the discomfort can last up to two (2) weeks. As the discomfort is easing, use paracetomol or ibuprofen (if you are able to tolerate) to manage the discomfort (as per manufacturer instructions).

After a few days, you may notice an unpleasant smell from your month; this is normal. The gums around the site/wound may look cream in colour, ulcerated, slightly red and/or swollen. If the discomfort has not gotten worse since the procedure, this is normal. If the discomfort has escalated, please contact us.

  1. Please be careful not to bite your numbed cheek, tongue or lip (especially young children). Avoid eating and hot drinks until sensation/feeling returns.

  2. Bleeding can be expected after the local anaesthetic wears off. If bleeding persists, bite very firmly on the gauze provided over the site/wound for 20 minutes and throw the gauze away after.

  3. DO NOT smoke or consume alcohol for at least 24 hours.

  4. Leave the area of the operational site/wound alone. DO NOT disturb or touch the blood clot (keep your fingers, tongue and toothbrush away form the wound site).

  5. DO NOT SPIT or rinse your mouth for the next 24 hours. Wipe or swallow your saliva instead.

  6. Swelling and bruising especially on the 2nd and 3rd day is to be expected; it will gradually subside over the next 2 weeks. Application of a cold pack in the first 4 hours may reduce swelling.

  7. Avoid consuming hot or spicy, foods or liquids for at least 24 hours. Avoid eating on the side of the extraction.

  8. Vigorous activity is be avoided for the next 24 hours.

  9. You may take paracetomol or ibuprofen to manage the discomfort. Take the pain medication according to manufacturer instructions.

  10. After the first 24 hours, a mouthwash of warm water and salt or chlorhexidine mouthwash may be used gentle to cleanse the site/wound after meals. This is to be done for the next 2 weeks while the site/wound heals. Resume gentle brushing with care after 24 hours; avoid the site/wound for a few days (use salty mouthrinse or chlorhexidine instead) and start brushing gently around the area after about a week.

If bleeding is severe, please contact us. If not, please seek medical attention at your nearest hospital.